Weaving looms
Le métier de table à cadres Brooklyn, fabriqué par Ashford, est idéal pour commencer le tissage : il est petit, fiable et son prix est très abordable.Read now
Ashford 8-shaft Jack Loom
Read nowThis Ashford loom was my first 8-shaft floor loom. Others have followed, and yet it is always with the same pleasure that I weave on it. After leaving it for a few days or weeks, when I sit behind it...
Les ros : système métrique versus système impérial
Read nowMême si le système métrique est en vigueur au Canada depuis les années 70, nous ne l’utilisons pas comme nous le devrions dans la vie de tous les jours et encore moins en tissage. Pourquoi? Fort probablement à cause de...
The basic equipment to weave with a weaving loom
Read nowThe decision is made, you want to weave, but you may be wondering what equipment you need? When starting to weave with a shaft loom, in addition to a loom, certain equipment will be needed depending on the type of...
Starting to weave with a table loom: the basic equipment
Read nowThe decision is made, you want to weave, but you may be wondering what equipment you need? When starting to weave with a shaft loom, in addition to a loom, certain equipment will be needed depending on the type of...
Contemporary weaving: the necessary equipment
Read nowWe see it everywhere, it is very fashionable. Extremely creative, this type of weaving is within the reach of everyone, immediately and quickly. Once you have learned the basics of warp assembly, which takes only a few minutes, you can...
Le David III de Loüet : nouvelle génération pour ce superbe métier à tisser
Read nowLoüet l’avait annoncé; nous avons maintenant davantage d’informations. Le David III présentera beaucoup de nouvelles caractéristiques. En voici un aperçu. Même si le David III est toujours aussi peu encombrant, d'autant plus que son ensouple arrière se replie, ses qualités...
Les métiers à tisser à peigne envergeur : tisser rapidement et facilement
Read nowThe looms are very popular. What for? They have many significant advantages and are an ideal choice for anyone who wants to start weaving. The handworks consist of a wooden frame, two rollers (shoulder), one at the front, the other...
Louet weaving loom: the Spring II, ever more beautiful and even better designed to meet weavers
Read nowLouet innovates, always looking for a more comfortable and enjoyable weaving experience. Thus the new Spring II, one of the most popular Louet crafts and one of the best looms on the market, has been further improved. Weaving on...